Family Law Services - Michael Hanuszczak Esq.

Family Law Services - Michael Hanuszczak Esq. Family Lawyer Services in Syracuse, Onondaga County, and Central New York

Family Lawyer Services in Syracuse, Onondaga County, and Central New York

Michael Hanuszczak Esq., practices Family Law which deals with legal matters related to family relationships, such as divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic violence, Wills and Estates, and other family-related issues. Attorney Hanuszczak provides advice, represents clients in court, drafts legal documents, negotiates settlements, and works to protect the rights and best interests of his clients in matters pertaining to family law. He can also assist in resolving disputes between family members. Follow the links below to learn more about each area of family practice.

New parents happy with their baby adoption


As a family law attorney, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. can provide invaluable assistance and guidance to individuals seeking to navigate the adoption process. With his knowledge and experience in family law, he can offer legal advice and information on the different types of adoption available, such as domestic, international, agency, or independent adoptions. He can help prospective adoptive parents understand the legal requirements involved and outline the steps they need to take to achieve a successful adoption.

Attorney Hanuszczak's role also involves facilitating the adoption process by guiding clients through the complex legal procedures. He can assist in completing necessary paperwork, obtaining consent from birth parents, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met to move the adoption forward. Additionally, representing clients in court hearings and advocating for their rights as prospective adoptive parents throughout the process is of utmost importance and advocacy is of paramount importance.

Lastly, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. can assist in finalizing the adoption by obtaining a court order to legally recognize the adoption and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to complete the process.

mother with her daughter after winning her child custody case

Child Custody

Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. provides legal guidance and representation to individuals navigating the complexities of child custody proceedings, ensuring that your rights as a parent are prioritized throughout the process. Attorney Hanuszczak offers advice on the various types of child custody arrangements available, such as joint custody, sole custody, or shared custody, and helps clients understand their rights and options. He also can represent grandparents who are seeking custody of their grandchildren.

He works closely with his clients to develop and negotiate child custody agreements that address the needs of all parties involved, and the best interests of the child. He assists in creating comprehensive parenting plans that outline the details of custody, visitation schedules, decision-making authority, and other essential aspects of child custody, parenting and visitation arrangements. By advocating for his clients' interests and facilitating constructive discussions with the other party, he helps reach mutually beneficial custody agreements that avoid the need for emotional and financially draining hearings and trials.

In cases where child custody disputes arise and litigation is necessary, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. provides strong legal representation in court. He advocates for his clients' rights and interests, presenting compelling arguments and evidence to support their position in child custody hearings. His experience in Family Law, as an attorney and retired Family Court Judge, equips him to navigate the legal complexities of child custody disputes and work towards securing favorable outcomes for his clients.

Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. is committed to resolving child custody matters amicably whenever possible, encouraging meaningful negotiations and alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation. By fostering cooperation and communication between parties, he strives to achieve fair and sustainable child custody agreements that prioritize the rights of his clients and the well-being and best interests of the children involved. Through his legal advocacy skills, and dedication to his clients, he assists individuals in navigating child custody issues with compassion, professionalism, and effectiveness.

Child Protective Proceedings

Child Protective Proceedings

Having served as a family court judge, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. is well-equipped to represent clients dealing with Child Protective Proceedings, which can be one of the most challenging and emotionally charged areas in family law. His role would encompass defending against allegations of abuse or neglect and advocating for the individuals facing these allegations.

In defending against allegations of abuse and neglect, Attorney Hanuszczak would represent his client in all interactions with The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), ensuring that the investigation is conducted fairly and lawfully and would prepare the client for interviews and represent them in court proceedings. His role would include challenging any evidence that may not be credible, gathering supportive evidence and witnesses, and presenting a strong defense or, if necessary, proposing alternative arrangements that minimize disruption to the family.

Conversely, if a client seeks DCFS intervention due to their concerns for a child's safety, Attorney Hanuszczak would help navigate the process of reporting and ensuring DCFS takes appropriate action.

Throughout the DCFS process, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq.'s aim would be to provide compassionate and strong legal support, advocating fiercely for his client’s rights. His legal experience and knowledge is invaluable in navigating the complexities of DCFS cases, ensuring that the legal procedures are followed correctly and the outcomes are fair and just for his client and their family.

Couple going through a divorce


Michael Hanuszczak, Esq., provides comprehensive legal support to individuals navigating the complexities of divorce. Having presided as an Acting State Supreme Court Justice and Family Court Judge, he understands the intricate legalities of divorce laws that govern marital dissolution while empathizing with the emotional toll such proceedings can inflict on a client. His role involves offering legal advice tailored to the specific circumstances of a divorce, which could range from straightforward uncontested divorces to contested divorces involving disputes over assets, child custody, and spousal maintenance.

He starts by familiarizing himself with his client's unique situation to advise on the best legal strategy moving forward. This includes a thorough assessment of marital assets for equitable distribution, negotiation of child support and custody arrangements in the best interests of the children, and navigating the often complex arena of maintenance payments. He works to protect his client's legal rights throughout the divorce process, keeping them informed of their options and possible outcomes.

In addition, Michael Hanuszczak Esq.'s responsibilities entail drafting and filing all necessary legal documents, representing the client in court, and engaging in negotiations with the opposing party's legal representation to reach a settlement that minimizes emotional and financial strife. His ultimate objective is to facilitate a fair resolution that enables his clients to begin the next chapter of their lives on the most positive footing possible. Hiring an experienced attorney can be invaluable for anyone going through the difficult life-changing effects of a divorce.

Protective Order issues by Attorney Hanuszcak

Orders of Protection

When dealing with cases of domestic violence, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq.,  can take immediate and assertive action to ensure the safety and legal protection of the victim. Understanding the sensitive and urgent nature of such circumstances, he  prioritizes the well-being of his client, which could involve filing for protective orders against the abuser and issued to legally prevent the perpetrator from coming into contact with the victim and/or put a stop to acts and behavior that is harassing, annoying, intimidating, and dangerous

Attorney Hanuszczak assists his client in navigating the legal system, which can be especially daunting for victims of domestic violence. He provides guidance on the rights of the victim, the possible legal ramifications for the abuser, and the different forms of evidence that can support the client’s case, such as medical records, eyewitness statements, and documentation of past incidents. By offering clear and compassionate advice, he would work to empower his client through informed decisions.

Moreover, as a family law attorney, Michael Hanuszczak, Esq. is equipped to address any overlapping issues that may arise, such as the implications of domestic violence on child custody and support, divorce procedures, and division of property. He would work diligently to advocate for a legal outcome that would protect his client and any children involved.

In all actions, confidentiality and sensitivity in handling the client’s case are paramount, as is the commitment to providing a supportive environment where the victim can speak openly about their experiences. By comprehensively addressing both the immediate legal needs for protection and the long-term ramifications of domestic violence within the family dynamic, Attorney Hanuszczak would play a crucial role in guiding the client through one of life’s most challenging periods.

Wills and Estates legal document

Wills and Estates

Family law Attorney Michael Hanuszczak is an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer who is able to assist clients with the delicate and critical matters of Wills and Estates. His knowledge and experience encompasses understanding the complex legalities involved in the creation and execution of estate planning tools. In the realm of Wills, he can provide comprehensive guidance and can draft a document that clearly articulates the client's wishes for the distribution of their assets upon their passing. This ensures that assets are bequeathed to the intended beneficiaries with minimum legal complications.

He helps clients to secure their financial legacy and provides peace of mind regarding the future of their loved ones. Furthermore, his family law background affords him special insights into the way family dynamics play into estate planning, an understanding which is beneficial when anticipating potential disputes or issues among future and administration beneficiaries.

Contact Family Law Attorney Michael Hanuszczak for a Free Consultation

If you are seeking professional guidance for your family law needs, contacting Michael Hanuszczak for a free consultation could be the first step towards ensuring your interests are protected and your legal matters are handled with care. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your situation in a confidential setting, explore your options for  other family law services, and learn how Michael can assist you in navigating the complexities of the legal system.

Please contact Michael Hanuszczak today!

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